Pattern for fashion
Three surface pattern designs made for Cissi och Selma, a colorful dressmaking store located in Stockholm. 2018.
Fusion of pen strokes
I make this fast drawings almost every day and capture the process in small movies on Instagram @tovehennix. Some of the illustrations ends up on tote-bags and T-shirts available at society6 and redbubble. I plan to make new art and products every week this year. >> >>
Here are some samples on how it all turns out
Valentine card 2012
Arla package cover
Seven illustrations on the theme learn from nature published on the back cover of Arla’s milk package, spring 2014. I also arranged a release party as soon as you could find them in the store.
Sju illustrationer till Arla 2014. När kartongerna fanns på hyllan i konsum arrangerade jag ett Mjölkvernissage på Atelje ateljé med stora utskrifter av illustrationerna.